Functional Nutrition Therapy (BA)
(Modules 4 and 5) – 120 Total Credits
Functional Nutrition Therapy BA program will teach you the fundamentals of functional nutrition for restoring health focusing on therapeutic nutrition and supplements, digestion and GI health, hormones and endocrinology, detoxification, neurology and mental health, application of therapeutic diets (FODMAPS, Elimination Diets, Candida, SIBO, Leaky gut, Autoimmune Paleo, Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System, Anti-inflammatory, Anti Arthritic, etc., interpreting functional lab testing, marketing your business and how to get clients in a busy digital world.
Requirement for Bachelor’s Degree/Course Enrollment:
Students must have completed our Associates Degree Program (60 credits) or have a degree or applicable life experiences that totals 60 credits in order to enroll in our Bachelor Degree Programs.
Please speak to an advisor if have you questions.
Course Outline of Bachelor’s Degree Program:
Associate Degree/Applied Life Experience – 60 Credits
Core Curriculum Courses – Credits Needed: 30
- MOD-4-1. Healing Herbs (3 credits)
- MOD-4-2. Iridology I (3 credits)
- MOD-4-3. Biblical Healthy Living (3 credits)
- MOD-4-4. Worldwide Herbalism (3 credits)
- MOD-4-5. Reflexology (3 credits)
- MOD-4-6. Anatomy II (3 credits)
- MOD-4-7. Aromatherapy I (3 credits)
- MOD-4-8. EMFs Hidden Hazards (3 credits)
- MOD-4-9. Introduction to Microbiology (3 credits)
- MOD-4-10. Introduction to Immunology (3 credits)
Major Specific Courses – Credits Needed: 30
- MOD-5-1: Understanding Nutrition in Detail (3 credits)
- MOD-5-2: Nutrition and Diet Therapy (3 credits)
- MOD-5-3: Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care (3 credits)
- MOD-5-4: Diet and Nutrition for Palliative Care (3 credits)
- MOD-5-5: Science of Nutrition and Applications (3 credits)
- MOD-5-6: Clinical Nutrition and Aging (3 credits)
- MOD-5-7: Molecular Nutrition and Genomics (3 credits)
- MOD-5-8: Macro-nutrients, Micro-nutrients, and Metabolism (3 credits)
- MOD-5-9: Nutrition for Sport and Exercise (3 credits)
- MOD-5-10: Nutritional Science (3 credits)
Total Credit Hours: 120
Core Curriculum Course Descriptions
MOD-4-1. Healing Herbs – Practical advice for the newcomer and pearls of wisdom for the herbal practitioner. This course delivers the lowdown on virtually every healing herb available in today’s marketplace. A complete guide to 180 healing herbs with description and history, therapeutic uses, medicinal properties, prescription counterparts, dosage options, safety and effectiveness rating, and precautions.
MOD-4-2. Iridology I – Learn the links between health and the patterns, colors, and textures of the iris. This course describes the basics of iris analysis in easy-to-understand language with dozens of illustrations, color photos, and charts. After recognizing weaknesses in the iris, you will be able to suggest lifestyle changes to achieve optimum health.
MOD-4-3. Biblical Healthy Living– This course explores what the Bible says about healthy diet and compares it with modern science. The research upholds the wisdom of biblical advice. Anyone who is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired will find in this course the secrets to more abundant energy, freedom from illness, and more vibrant health.
MOD-4-4. Worldwide Herbalism – This course teaches the herbal traditions of the entire world with references to over 400 medicinal herbs. An integration of Western herbs into the traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic systems. It covers the philosophies of traditional Eastern herbal medicine along with describing the herbs and their uses and compares these systems to Western herbal traditions.
MOD-4-5. Reflexology – This course covers the complete guide to the anatomy of the feet and the workings of Reflexology, the therapeutic foot massage for health and well-being. It explains the art and science of reflexology: how it works; the ailments it treats; how to locate and massage the various reflexology points.
MOD-4-6. Anatomy II – This course offers comprehensive coverage about the human body. Included are: 226 color illustrations, depicting all organs and systems of the human body, 29 chapters of descriptive text written by current and former faculty at one of the world’s foremost medical institutions, and an index of plates and descriptions for quick identification of any structure, organ, or system.
MOD-4-7. Aromatherapy I – You’ll learn ways to add fragrance to your life, about the plants and the history, what exactly are these things called essential oils and carrier oils, how to dilute and blend, what supplies to buy, the correct way to measure and blend. Plus, we will go into safety and storage issues and you’ll be given many recipes for beginning concoctions.
MOD-4-8. EMFs Hidden Hazards: Topics include – What EMFs (electromagnetic fields) actually are, where you find them in your daily life, and how they affect you. The toll that EMFs have been proven to take in conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and neuro-psychiatric illnesses. Why you’ve been largely kept in the dark about this threat to your health. How you can actually repair the damage done by EMFs at a cellular level.
MOD-4-9. Introduction to Microbiology – This course will introduce the students to the microbial world. General properties of microorganisms including classification, morphologic and growth characteristics, metabolism and genetics will be discussed. Students will explore the role of microbes especially microbial flora of our body including gut flora and its role in natural health. Selected microorganisms that cause disease will be discussed. The course will consist of group discussion format. Students will be assessed on discussion posts, essay and midterm and final exams in multiple choice format.
MOD-4-10. Introduction to Immunology – This course will introduce the students to immunology. The organization, function and normal immune response will be studied in detail. An overview of disorders of immunity will be studied. Finally, application of immunology to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases will be discussed. The course will consist of discussion format. Students will be assessed on discussion posts, essay and midterm and final exams in multiple choice format.
Major Specific Course Descriptions
MOD-5-1: Understanding Nutrition in Detail – This module outlines the essentials of nutrition that is at the forefront of the latest advances in human nutrition-helping you understand what the scientific facts tell us about human nutrition and health.
MOD-5-2: Nutrition and Diet Therapy – This module provides core nutrition concepts and up-to-date clinical content at a level that is accessible to the range of health care team members who are responsible for a client’s nutrition needs. It also provides the basic facts and a wealth of practical information needed to assume their responsibility for nutrition care.
MOD-5-3: Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care -This module encapsulates the latest treatments and procedures to meet the dietary and nutritional needs of the critically ill. It also addresses the needs of all those concerned with diet and nutrition in the critically ill such as general conditions in the severely ill, metabolic effects and treatments and assessment protocols.
MOD-5-4: Diet and Nutrition for Palliative Care -This module focuses on the patient’s well being in terms of mobility, anxiety, stress, social interaction, and pain control needs expert focus and attention. The boundary between nutritional, emotional, cultural, and medicinal support challenges terminal and palliative care providers to recognize the right thing to do, often in the face of considerable uncertainty.
MOD-5-5: Science of Nutrition and Applications – This module you to gain effective decision-making skills about nutritional choices.
MOD-5-6: Clinical Nutrition and Aging -As the older adult population continues to grow, so will the prevalence and incidence of age-related disorders. In this module we will focus on perspectives and the latest scientific and clinical developments in age-associated disease.
MOD-5-7: Molecular Nutrition and Genomics -This module conveys information from a range of relevant disciplines that extend from molecular nutrition, nutritional sciences, and nutrition dietetics through to genetics, genomics, and anthropology. It presents a vital portrait of the absolutely fundamental role that nutrition has played and continues to play in shaping who and what human beings are, as well as where they evolved from, and where they may be heading as a species.
MOD-5-8: Macronutrients, Micronutrients, and Metabolism -This topic focuses on biochemistry and physiology. It introduces integral concepts in nutrition science, such as energy, regulation of food intake, nutritional biochemistry, cell cycle, nutrigenomics, and epigenetics. Additionally, emphasis is placed on specific micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients with respect to their roles in metabolism.
MOD-5-9: Nutrition for Sport and Exercise -This topic integrates nutrition and exercise physiology principles, emphasizing scientific reasoning and examining research studies to illuminate the evidence for current nutritional recommendations. In addition, it helps you translate these nutrition recommendations to specific plans for the appropriate amount and type of foods, beverages, and/or supplements to support training, performance, and recovery.
MOD-5-10: Nutritional Science -This topic helps develop the scientific understanding to support personal and professional decisions. Using a critical thinking approach, it brings nutrition out of the classroom and allows students to apply the logic of science to their own nutrition concerns both as consumers and as future scientists and health professionals.